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Prevention of Domestic Violence by Engaging Men

The mainstream focuses on taking out policies and laws that are in favor of women. They are suggested to take stand and taken action for them but in reality, it is really tough for them to raise their voices because the power (from permission to go out to which type vegetable will be cooked) lies with their husbands. At the same time, the behavior of men is not hereditary but acquired from male dominated society. Hence the change at covert and overt behavior can be brought, through continuous and constant efforts by making the patriarchal to gender equal society.  
 So from January 2010, Halo Medical Foundation has started a unique project called Mahila Shastitkarn (Women’s Empowerment). The model works with men (perpetrator) then it would help to curbing down the domestic violence because it helps to create awareness against violent acts on their spouses. It focuses on working with men through counselling, guiding, conducting group discussions and activities. It has been working in selected villages of two blocks- Tuljapur and Lohara situated in State of Maharashtra (India).
It is working on both curative and preventive level. There are two groups unmarried and married groups. Each group has at least fifteen members. In unmarried groups- the discussion related to gender equality, masculinity and responsibility towards their mothers and future wives. In married group- open heart conversations and discussion of issues and struggles in their life, involvement in domestic chores, sensitization towards children especially toward to daughters. These both groups are headed by animators i.e. each from selected villages. The animator word comes from the word ‘animate’. They act as a role model for the members of groups and their village. These are trained and selected by the co-coordinators from the Halo Medical Foundation.
In Indian villages, there is nothing hidden which leads to environment that everyone knows what is happening in each other household. So if domestic violence is occurring then the animators along with group member goes to the house. They explain and counsels the perpetrators. If he does not stop, he is taken to Tanta Mukti Samiti (Dispute Free Committee) and the last report is to Police.

There is another one in which animator’s wife takes charge of the victim of domestic violence. She helps the woman by encouraging for standing up for rights and taking necessary to steps while the animator takes counselling of her spouses. 

More Information can be assessed about Halo Medical Foundation from their Website. Below is the link to Website.


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