Founded in 1955, All India Institute of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation is situated in Raigad District of Mumbai. Initially, it was started as a pilot project by Late DR M.V. SANT and then later acquired by the central government. It is only one of its kind rehabilitation centres for the person with special ability in India which is fully funded by Ministry of Health and family welfare, Government of India. There are various types of disabilities but this Institution is specially designed for the person with locomotive disabilities. Earlier this institute did not have operation theatre and hence they used to refer such patients to nearby hospitals but now they have their own operation theatre due to which people are getting all type of facilities under one roof.
This Institute is started with a goal to provide people with Medical and Social Rehabilitation. The services including (prosthetic appliances) of these institutes are totally free of costs due to which economically and socially marginalised people are also getting benefitted. Only medicinal expenses have to bear by the patients but in some cases, if the patient can’t afford that cost also then medicines are also made them available for the free of cost through the social welfare fund of the Institute. Awareness campaign was one of the part of the Institutes activity to break the stereotypes about the disabilities and also to spread awareness about All India Institute of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation but at present due to lack of man power and other resources they have stopped this type of programmes.
Rehabilitation over here is a tailor made programme which inculcates of many departments and specialists. Every department has their assigned role to make sure the 100% success after the treatment.
Below table is showing the various departments and their respective roles in the Institute.
Role of Department
It deals with the treatment of disabilities through massage and another type of exercise.
Occupational Therapy
Here patients are getting trained to being capable of doing their daily activities like combing etc.
Speech and Audiology
It is another important department in the Institute. In this specialist deals with the Speaking and Listening problems of the patient.
It keeps check on the mental stability of the patient and her/his family during the period of treatment and after that also if needed through counselling.
Prosthetics and Arthritics
Here patients get their artificial limbs, joints as per the requirement.
Social Work
Social Worker is the liaisoning person between the rehabilitation team and patient. S/he guide the patient in administrative work and in another type of difficulties. Its work is to interpret the line of management, and also
Vocational Department
The treatment does not finish as the patient leaves the Institute but there are many compulsory follow up scheduled for the patient depends on case to case.
The structure of the Institute:
Below is the chart showing the structure of the institute to get treatment. It is very easy and convenient without heavy paper load and complex procedures.
Firstly patient has to register herself/himself and then s/he has been sent to the OPD where doctor or team of doctors evaluate the patient. Then depends on the issues of the patient s/he has been to the respective departments for the further treatment.

The significance of the Institution:
This Institute has the significant role in the society due to its accessibility and free of cost treatment. There are many stereotypes about the Mental as well as physical different able people. Such people have to face many social and economical obstacles in their daily life. There are many technologies and treatments available for such kind of different abilities but this is very expensive which is not affordable by the poor and hence this Institute is a boon for poor people. People are coming in the institute from across the country to get them treated.
These people are also living in our society but most of them times they face our ignorance. It is still difficult for the people who are claimed to be “Normal” as per the societal norms to accept this differently able people. These differently able people faces many difficulties in getting employment which in turn leads to the dependence and isolation from the society but due to prosthetic limbs, many people are now independent for their livelihood.
- This first Institutional visit to All India Institute of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation has shown me the invisible citizen of our society which is named as the “Disable” by the social norms of this society.
- This visit has given me the opportunity to learn the basic social work etiquettes.
- It is very sad to see that after 60 years of independence also we have only one rehabilitation for the differently able people.
- India is yet not a friendly country for such differently able people.
- We need to make our societal space more convenient and comfortable for this differently able people.
- Acceptance of this differently able people by themselves as well as by the society is necessary for the inclusive development of the society/
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