Career is not alone but comes with the inclusive of high position, power and most important is stack of money and luxury facilities. Many students and their parents fall in the trap of following high earning jobs and career. It is agreeable to some extent, but the saturation of particular career reaches a point. It can no longer absorb the labour force and unemployment comes into existence. Seeing the past accomplishment of the career, parents to force their children into techical side like engineering.
There is an another aspect of status related to these jobs and related career which definitely leads to overlooking the chance of exploring the other fields.
Letting the child to explore all the options for his or her career is one of the way, because the child can reach its potential in his or her chosen field It will help the individuals, family and community and lastly country.
One of the unexplored career that carries a huge potential is field of social work. There is another question which arises that whether it will provide with a high paying job or not?of course it is a profession course and will provide employment but at same time there is no denying that package may be less and person has to work in areas isolated from luxury life. Well the need and role of social worker is where they can bring positive change among communities that are still lagging in social and economic status. the coverage area may be rural or urban depending on the NGOs or sector that you want to go in like dalit or tribals, women or child etc. this career is about having more job satisfaction and learning rather than money. This course or field needs self determination and high optimistic attitude This is established matter that changing habits or mentality which has come down from the generation and generation will bring a strong resistance to end our struggle against it. As a social worker we have to keep striving for it till a significant result is achieved.
Social work in itself is one of the controversial because it has always been understood in providing charity or feeding people just to get a potful of good deeds. it is now connected to religion. Indian society is generally god fearing and would do anything to please the pantheon of gods and goddesses. For instance it will indulge in feeding people for some religious occasion. This occasion comes only once. After that there is nothing, feeding once does not change any thing for anyone. On the contrary the help provided by making them capable of getting employment and self dependent will benefit in long run. From this kind of examples the definition comes that is helping people to help themselves. Over the time evolution of social work happened and professional was added to social work. there are two reasons first it teaches budding social worker to tackle social issues like caste system or education by implying different well established and proven methods like case work or group work, advocacy or social welfare administration. here 'proven' means these methods are practical in nature and directly applied in rural or urban settings. Another reason for being called profession because the social worker is trained to provide services to community by keeping his or her personal life separate from the professional work.
Before going to my next reason for opting social work, I would like to mention a quote by Confucius "Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life". Job satisfaction is an element that getting suppressed when we consider our career option. Almost every person falls into the trap and gets suffocated in their job and starts hating life. Once job satisfaction is present, an individual will be able to climb and eventually can have descent earnings. In addition, after studying this course I would like to put efforts to present social work in the real sense so that it is beneficial for students who would like to pursue it.
Lastly, I will give a link for some of the colleges which are offering social work at bachelors and masters level.
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